10-15-24 CTCA Fall Meetings
10/15/24 in Los Angeles/Zoom
Register by 10/1 to attend via Zoom/in person.
9:30-11:00 AM PT up to 1.50 CE Offering*
Local Approaches to De-isolation Implementation in California Jurisdictions
Connection information will be sent out on Fridays in Sept.
Learning objectives:
- Understand evidence for the new NTCA guidance, including its limitations, to improve TB care and prevention efforts.
- Understand current isolation and de-isolation practices in a high, medium, and low burden jurisdictions with focus on assessment of effectiveness of and adherence to treatment regimen.
*The Curry International Tuberculosis Center is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education to provide continuing medical education for physicians. This training is approved for up to 1.50 continuing education hours.
The Curry International Tuberculosis Center designates this educational activity for a maximum of 1.50 AMA PRA Category 1 CreditsTM. Physicians should only claim credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.
The Curry International Tuberculosis Center is approved as a provider of continuing education by the California State Board of Registered Nurses, Provider Number CEP 12308. This training is approved for up to 1.50 continuing education hours. Board requirements prevent us from offering CE credit to people who arrive more than 15 minutes after the start of the training, or leave the training early. Therefore, partial credit will not be awarded.
12:00-5:00, Fall TB Controllers Meeting (11-12 hosted lunch)
This meeting is NOT just for TB Controllers.
Cost: Attend on Zoom ($0) or in person ($75).
Connection information and/or an invoice will be sent out on Fridays, starting in September. Register by 10/1/24.
Fall TB Controllers Meeting Agenda – 9/5/24 Draft
12:00 I. Welcome, Introductions, Review of Agenda, Cameron Kaiser, MD, CTCA President-Elect
12:15 II. CTCA Business Items
- Executive Committee and Officers – Roster Review and Membership Vote
- Spring TB Controllers Meeting Minutes – Vote
12:30 III. TBCB Items (2 hours)
- MDL Update (15 min)
- Civil Surgeon Project Findings and Materials (15 min)
- CalCONNECT update (10 mins)
- Unaccompanied minors with LTBI follow-up (15 mins)
- Indigenous Oaxacan Collaboration Roundtable (5 min)
- TBCB indicators/priorities for this year and intro to PIPE (30 min)
- MediCal data analysis first look (30 mins)
2:30 IV. Drug Recall Talk
3:00 V. CTCA – ’24-’25 Priorities and Discussion
- Coalition for a TB Free California- AB2132-CTFC Asks for Letters of Support for Governor
- TB Community Meetings
a. 2025 Spring TB Controllers Meeting Timing and Location (May)
b. 2025 Fall Conference (Mid Sept; SoCal, Riverside Convention Center/Burbank Marriott; NorCal, Sacramento/Santa Cruz)
4:00 Items from the Floor
4:30 Partner Announcements
5:00 Adjourn