Registration Fees
2020 Early Bird Pricing
• $300: Oct 5-6 (CMEs/CEUs Oct 6)
• $250: Oct 6 only (CME/CES available)
• $150: Oct 5 only, TB Controllers Meeting. (All Welcome) – no CME/
• $0/Free: Oct 7, CITC Training Day,
separate registration/application
• $1250: Exhibitors
• $750: Non-profit Exhibitors
Coordinated Satellite Participation
Satellite site participation (10/6) with CEs, $100/pp. We can invoice for participants after the event. Site coordination required.
Requirements for TB Control Programs to participate in the Satellite Site Option:
- One access point per site, all participants participating together in one training room, through one connection, with one Site Coordinator. Each site must have a Site Coordinator to perform all of the duties appended here.
- Participants must have access to conference materials, loaded onto a password protected page, on before the event.
- No partial eduation credits are given. Everyone who wants educational credit needs to participate from start to finish. Finish is the end of the session before the Case Radiograph Session. The Site Coordinator can remain and run through the site coorindator instructions, again, for the one hour Case Radiograph Session.
- The webinar will be held on Zoom. Materials will be posted to a secure password protected webpage on You must be able to access that webpage or the webinar to access the presentations. There will be phone option. Connect audio via a phone line OR, not both.
Contact us for more information.