TB Free California: Here We Come! Agendas
The agendas are under development but are posted here, in draft, for travel approval purposes. The final agendas will be posted in advance of the conferences and meetings.Draft Agenda (12/05/19)
8:30-10:00 (Breakfast provided)
10:00 I. Review of Agenda and Introductions
10:15 II. TB Control Branch (TBCB), CDPH
12:00 Hosted Lunch
12:30 III. Hot Topics
Office of Refugee Resettlement Update Douglas H. Esposito, MD, MPH, CAPT, USPHS, Medical Epidemiologist,
Division of Health for Unaccompanied Children (DHUC), Unaccompanied Children Programs, Office of Refugee Resettlement, Administration for Children and Families, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
(30 Minutes)
Workforce. Activity 6 – Case Management Guidelines (30 Minutes)
- Invite DPHN president/representative to talk about the state of Public Health Nursing in California, and long term workforce development.
- Discuss role of PHNs/RNs/LVNs and Unlicensed professionals in various settings at different jurisdictions. Since PHNs are not required in statute for TB Control, how can we strengthen the PHN/RN Case Manager workforce/succession planning
- Update on NTCA TB Nurse Certificate
Effective TB Control Programs/Micro-Elimination
Table 2 Intervention 7A.
- As we move towards micro-elimination and lose expertise about TB in rural/small/low burden jurisdictions, how can we leverage telemedicine? How is telemedicine already being used in TB Control programs or other health department programs (outside of Telehealth for VDOT)
- Use Sacramento Region as a model of a Regional Chest Clinic, Yolo/Placer have MOU’s with Sacramento Chest Clinic for different levels of service).
- Thresholds
- Active (x/100,000)
- LTBI (%)
- How can we recognize counties that reach microelimination
- Color coded map for Active microelimination, LTBI microelimination
- Would this be the same page as the Death Counter
- Timelines/Guiding strategy
Education and Outreach, CDC invited
Telemedicine resources and programs, NACCHO report shared
2:45 PM Break
3:15 IV. Business Items
1. 2019 Fall TB Controller Meeting Minutes VOTE
2. Bylaws Revision, Review and VOTE
3. Incoming Executive Committee Roster Presentation and VOTE
3:30 VI. Items from the Floor
3:50 VII. Review of Action Items
4:00 Adjourn
May 5, 2020
Agenda (1/27/20)
7:30- 8:45 (Breakfast with a protein provided)
8:45 Welcome, Riverside Health Officer Cameron Kaiser, MD and Susan Strong, NP, CTCA President and TB Controller, San Bernardino County Department of Public Health
Moderator AM Plenary Sessions: Shereen Katrak, MD, MPH, Medical Officer, Tuberculosis Control Branch (TBCB), California Department of Public Health (CDPH)
9:00 Jayne Ash Memorial Keynote Address
Zero TB Cities Project Partnership
Courtney M. Yuen, PhD, Assistant Professor, Harvard Medical School, Associate Epidemiologist, Division of Global Health Equity, Brigham and Women’s Hospital
10:00 California, TB Elimination Landscape
Pennan Barry, MD, MPH, Chief, Surveillance and Epidemiology Section (SES), TBCB, CDPH
11:00 AM Break
11:30 Moving TB Prevention Cascade Forward in a Large Primary Care Setting
Jacek Skarbinski, MD, Infectious Diseases and HIV Specialist, and Undergraduate and Graduate Medical Education Program Director, Kaiser Permanente, Northern Callifornia
12:30 Awards Luncheon (Lunch provided)
1:30 Breakout Sessions (Non-repeating)
A. Civil Surgeon Outreach and Reporting
Moderator & Faculty: Varsha Hampole, MPH, Surveillance and Informatics Coordinator, SES, TBCB, CDPH
Additional Faculty: Santa Clara County Representatives TBD
B. Homelessness Challenges for TB Care and Prevention
Moderator: John A. Jereb, MD FAAP, Medical Officer, Field Services Branch, Division of Tuberculosis Elimination, National Center for HIV/AIDS, Viral Hepatitis, STD, and TB Prevention, Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC DTBE)
Sapna Bahram Morris, MD, MBA, Internist, Infectious Disesase, Medical Officer, CDC DTBE, and Volunteer and Executive Member of Healthcare for the Homelessness
Shameer Poonja, MPH, Public Health Advisor, Field Services and Evaluation Branch, LACDPH, CDC DTBE
Veronica Pehl, MSN, RN, APHN-BC, Communicable Disease Program Manager, San Joaquin Public Health Services
Stephanie Spencer, CDPH TBCB
C. Case Management: Updated Resources, Medical Management, Complicated Co-morbiditidities
Moderator: Leslie Henry, RN, PHN, Program Liaison and Nurse Consultant, Program Development Section, TBCB CDPH
Faculty: Jenny Hernandez, RN, PHN, TB Control Program, San Bernardino County DPH
2:45 PM Break (Snack provided)
Moderator PM Plenary: Susan Strong, NP, CTCA President and TB Controller San Bernardino County
3:15 Cure TB, The Expanded Role
Kathleen Moser, MD, US-Mexico Unit, Division of Global Migration and Quarantine (DGMQ) CDC
3:45 Geriatric TB, Caring for these Complicated Cases
Andrea Polesky, MD, PhD, Medical Director, Santa Clara County Tuberculosis and Refugee Clinic
4:45 – Adjourn
5:15-6:15 (See appended Case Radiograph Session Agenda)
This educational activity has been planned and implemented in accordance with the accreditation requirements and policies of the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) through the joint providership of the Curry International Tuberculosis Center and the California Tuberculosis Controllers Association (CTCA). The Curry International Tuberculosis Center is accredited by the ACCME to provide continuing medical education for physicians.
This educational activity is approved for 5.75 continuing education hours. The Curry International Tuberculosis Center designates this educational activity 5.75 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit(s)TM. Physicians should only claim credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.
The Curry International Tuberculosis Center is approved as a provider of continuing education by the California State Board of Registered Nurses, Provider Number CEP 12308. This educational activity is approved for 5.75 continuing education hours. Board requirements prevent us from offering CE credit to people who arrive more than 15 minutes after the start of the educational activity, or leave the educational activity early. Therefore, partial credit will not be awarded.
Certificates will be emailed approximately eight to twelve weeks after the educational conference to all participants who requested CME or nursing credits on their applications and who successfully complete the educational activity. Successful completion includes attending the entire educational conference and, completing and turning in an online evaluation form. Additionally, a four-month evaluation follow-up for CME credits will be distributed to assess the longitudinal impact of the educational activity.
5:15-6:15 Case Radiograph Session
– securing faculty agreements –
This educational activity has been planned and implemented in accordance with the accreditation requirements and policies of the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) through the joint providership of the Curry International Tuberculosis Center and the California Tuberculosis Controllers Association (CTCA). The Curry International Tuberculosis Center is accredited by the ACCME to provide continuing medical education for physicians.
This educational activity is approved for 1.0 continuing education hours. The Curry International Tuberculosis Center designates this educational activity 1.0 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit(s)TM. Physicians should only claim credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.
The Curry International Tuberculosis Center is approved as a provider of continuing education by the California State Board of Registered Nurses, Provider Number CEP 12308. This educational activity is approved for 1.0 continuing education hours. Board requirements prevent us from offering CE credit to people who arrive more than 15 minutes after the start of the educational activity, or leave the educational activity early. Therefore, partial credit will not be awarded.
Certificates will be emailed approximately eight to twelve weeks after the educational conference to all participants who requested CME or nursing credits on their applications and who successfully complete the educational activity. Successful completion includes attending the entire educational conference and, completing and turning in an online evaluation form. Additionally, a four-month evaluation follow-up for CME credits will be distributed to assess the longitudinal impact of the educational activity.
Join us in Palm Springs
May 6, 2020
8:30 AM – 12:15 PM
(Breakfast provided)
The Curry International TB Center/UCSF is pleased to announce two concurrent half-day trainings to be conducted in association with the California TB Controllers Association (CTCA) Educational Conference*. This half-day training will take place at the Saguaro Palm Springs, Palm Springs, CA, Wednesday, May 6, 2020.
Application Deadline: April 10, 2020
Please click here to Apply
[7:45 – 8:30 Registration]
Light Breakfast and all day tea/coffee service
8:30 |
Welcome and training overview Lisa Chen, MD
8:45 – 9:30
9:30 – 10:15
Special Populations (topic: homelessness/mental health) Sapna Bamrah Morris, MD, MBA
Living on the fringe and facing tuberculosis (topic: substance use disorder/mental health) TBD |
10:15 – 10:30 |
10:30 – 11:15 |
NTCA/CDC Guidelines for the treatment of latent tuberculosis infection (LTBI) |
11:15 – 12:15 |
Common questions, curiosities and situations in LTBI TBD |
Wrap-up, closing Lisa Chen, MD |