Trainings for Civil Surgeons

Upcoming Trainings

Civil Surgeons and Status Adjustors: A Bridge to Tuberculosis Prevention

Thursday, March 19, 2020

9:30 AM – 4:00 PM

University of Southern California; Los Angeles, CA


California civil surgeons and their medical staff who complete medical examination forms for applicants seeking to adjust their status.

Training topics will include:

  • The role of the civil surgeon in TB prevention

  • TB Technical Instructions

  • How to complete the USCIS I-693 form

  • LTBI testing and ruling out active disease

  • LTBI treatment

  • LTBI reporting requirements and the CalREDIE surveillance system

There is no cost to attend this training.  Participants will be able to earn 4.25 CME credits at no

charge.  To register, please follow this link.

CDC Technical Instructions: What Civil Surgeons in California Need to Know

April 29, 2020 (9:00 AM – 4:30 PM) – April 30, 2020 (9:00 AM – 4:00 PM)

Oakland Federal Building; 1301 Clay St, 2nd Floor Theater, Oakland, CA 94612



  • This training is intended for civil surgeons, and their medical staff, who complete medical examinations of applicants seeking to adjust their immigration status in the United States


Training Goals:

  • Strengthen the capacity of civil surgeons in California to complete medical examinations of applicants seeking to adjust their immigration status in the United States

  • Articulate the Centers for Disease Control’s (CDC’s) TB Elimination goals and describe current progress in achieving TB elimination in the United States and in California

  • Identify gaps in current TB prevention efforts and ways in which clinicians can contribute to TB elimination in California

Registration is open from February 3, 2020 to April 3, 2020.  Please follow this link to register.


There is no cost to attend this training.  This training is approved for up to 10 continuing education hours (credit amount subject to change with agenda finalization – please see website for more information)

Archived Trainings

California Department of Public Health TB Control Branch Webinars:

9/25/19 – Civil Surgeons: Status Adjustors and TB Prevention: What Civil Surgeons Need to Know

Recording Password: Tbcb2019.

FAQs and Slide Set

10/9/2018 – Revised TB Technical Instructions for Civil Surgeons Revised Technical Instructions for Civil Surgeons

Link to Stream

Link to Download

Recording password: CivilSurgeon2018

10/11/2018 – Recording of Reporting LTBI using the CalREDIE Provider Portal – for CA Civil Surgeons (Slide Set)

Recording Password: CivilSurgeon2018

Link to Stream

Link to Download

Curry International TB Center Trainings:

September 17, 2019: San Diego

June 15, 2017: Technical Instructions on TB & Immunizations: What Civil Surgeons in Los Angeles Need to Know

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