TB Champion 03/13/2025 10:54 pm

Dr. Benjamin, you have been such a champion to our TB program! You came in and saved the day when we were in need and you did it with such kindness. I will always appreciate your combination of expertise, humor, practicality, and true caring for everyone involved in...

TB Champion 03/13/2025 10:30 pm

Congratulations Dr. Bob! You are amazing and it’s been a pleasure working with you. Another bad thing about COVID was I didn’t get to see you in person anymore. Best wishes. Mahalo! Mayté O’Sullivan, Sonoma County DHS-PH-Disease...

TB Champion 03/13/2025 8:03 pm

Bob, what a career! I can’t tell you how much I’ve benefited from your insight, sage counsel and friendship. Remember there’s potentially a job opening at CDC! George Rutherford

TB Champion 03/13/2025 2:48 pm

Dr. Benjamin, Congratulations on receiving this amazing award. I can’t tell you how happy it makes me to see you getting this well-deserved recognition after your decades of service cultivating public health in California and beyond. You always made TB control work...

TB Champion 03/13/2025 1:38 am

Dear Bob, Congratulations on receiving the TB Champion Award—a recognition that is so well deserved! I can’t think of anyone more fitting to be honored for their unwavering commitment to public health, particularly in the fight against tuberculosis. Working alongside...
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