Centennial Program 1913-2013

2013 Program (printable version): Agenda and TB Milestones: California’s Tuberculosis Control Program History

AGENDA: with linked youtube presentations for those we can share

    Jonathan Fielding, MD, MPH, MBA, Director, Health Officer, Los Angeles County Department of Public Health?
    Moderator: Gisela Schecter, MD, MPH, Physician Consultant, California Department of Public Health (CDPH)

Tuberculosis Milestones:  California’s Tuberculosis Control Program History

1907   Tuberculosis becomes a reportable disease in California

1913   The State Bureau of Tuberculosis established as recommended by the legislatively
– appointed Commission on Tuberculosis.

1984   California Tuberculosis Controllers Association (CTCA) formed

1993   The Governor’s TB Initiative for Local Assistance provides $17.4 million

1994   The Medi-Cal TB Program funded under Title XIX of the Social Security Act allowed
eligible Californians to receive TB-related services at a zero share of cost.

Gotch Legislation is passed to require Health Officer approval for release, transfer
or discharge of persons with active TB disease from health and correctional facilities.

Francis J. Curry National TB Center—a CDC Model TB Center—opens in San Francisco

1996   A bi-national TB referral program with Mexico, known as Cure TB, is implemented in
San Diego County with county and state TB Control Branch funding.

1997   The Governor’s TB Initiative for Housing and Detention provides $2.9 million

The first CTCA-California Department of Health Services Joint Guideline is released

2000   California implements the TB Indicators Project (TIP)

2002   The State TB Control Branch launches the MDR-TB Service to provide medical
consultation regarding complex MDR TB cases.

2004   Universal genotyping of TB cases begins in California for rapid outbreak detection.

Molecular beacons developed for rapid drug resistance testing by the State Microbial
Diseases Laboratory.

2012   Short 12-dose regimen to treat LTBI is being used throughout parts of California

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