Elimination Heroes Recipients
2024 Recipients

Adama Dyoniziak
Mayra Aviña
Mission Neighborhood Health Center
Mission Neighborhood Health Center (MNHC) has been a committed partner in the fight against tuberculosis (TB) in San Francisco’s Mission district for many years. Over a decade ago, MNHC launched a nurse follow-up program for patients with positive TB tests, ensuring they received comprehensive care, including diagnosis and preventive treatment. This initiative significantly improved patient outcomes and helped prevent the spread of TB within the community. We thank and appreciate MNHC for all of their hard work and contributions to TB prevention!
East LA Health Center Group

Jose Eli Villanueva
Marytere Carrasquillo-Navarro
David Mendez, Arturo Mendoza, & Frances Alvarez
Sunita Lohiya
Dr. Sunita Lohiya has played a key role in improving TB reporting and treatment for status adjusters in California through a CDC-funded Civil Surgeon Project. Her clinic, Royal Medical Group, reported 72% of LTBI status adjusters in Orange County in 2023, with treatment referrals increasing by 85%. Her clinic adopted materials for status adjusters, and nearly 100% of patients received treatment referral information by year-end. A civil surgeon since 1987, Dr. Lohiya has nearly 40 years of experience in family and occupational medicine.
2023 Recipients
Margo Sidener
Amy Tang
San Diego TB Elimination Alliance (TEA) Coalition
San Diego County TB Elimination Initiative Community of Practice (TBEI CoP)
The San Diego County TB Elimination Initiative Community of Practice (TBEI CoP) was established in October 2021 to promote the development and use of an LTBI care cascade across healthcare organizations in the county. Members, including healthcare providers and organizations, meet quarterly to share LTBI improvement projects, best practices, lessons learned, and data on their LTBI care cascades. TBEI CoP members are recognized as TB elimination heroes for initiating changes in their practices, such as presentations to decision-makers, EHR enhancements, LTBI coordinator positions, workflow improvements, telehealth integration, and provider education.