TB kills one out of every 6 Californians who fall ill with TB. Some Californians are more at risk for acquiring TB infection and developing TB disease.  The challenge is to identify those with a risk for TB, test for the presence of TB, and cure TB before illness occurs and others become infected and sick.

     CTCA Health Equity Statement

  • The California TB Controllers Association is committed to creating the opportunity for optimal health for all Californians by working to eliminate barriers to TB diagnosis, treatment and prevention, and prioritizing communities disproportionately impacted by TB, while working to eliminate the threat of TB for all Californians.

To do this, CTCA is prioritizing building relationships with partner organizations leading and serving communities at highest risk for TB in California in an effort to refocus ongoing efforts to aggressively address TB prevention among communities disproportionately impacted by TB.  Public health efforts need community organizations and private medical providers to add TB prevention efforts to their routine work, to find those with TB and encourage and facilitate treatment to prevent TB disease and transmission.

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