CTCA Meeting Archives

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2024 Spring TB Controllers Meeting - Not just for TB Controllers
2023 Conference

Sharpening the Focus: TB Care and

Elimination Through a Health Equity Lens

3 Days of TB Care and Prevention Instruction and Discussions

10/2 Fall TB Controllers Meeting, 10- 3 (F2023-TBC-Mtg-Agenda2)
Dr. Luu’s Presentation (DHCS MCP-LHD MOU Template  10-2)
Coalition for a TB Free California Update (CTC Handout)
Curry International TB Center Update (CITC Update)

10/2 3:30-5 PM TB Radiograph Session 3:30-5 (Advance materials Radiology Session Package

10/3 CTCA Conference Materials and Recordings 

10/4 a half day training from the Curry International TB Center 

CTCA 2023 Spring TB Controllers Meeting

May 12, 2023

Meeting Agenda

(open to all TB program staff and partners)

Where: California Endowment Conference Center, The Center for Health Communities Los Angeles L.A.

2022 Fall TB Controllers Meeting and Case Radiograph CE Offering


10-2 Agenda appended

CITC Update for CTCA Business Meeting 2022

2:30- 4:00 Case Radiograph Session (1.5 CE)

Location: CDPH TB Control Branch Conference Room: 850 Marina Bay Parkway, Building P in Richmond, California, 2nd Floor Conference Room or Virtually via Zoom

Registration is required to attend in person. It is also required to be eligible to receive 1.5 CEs for participation in the Case Radiograph Session, 2:30-4PM PT.

The registration form is ready on the right. The payment pathway for in-person attendence ($75) is being configured. Register now to attend in-person or virtually, so we have a headcount for in-person participation. We will invoice you via email.
Virtual participation is free.

DRAFT Agenda

10:00     I. Welcome and Review of Agenda, Ankita Kadakia, MD, MPH, CTCA President-Elect, Deputy Health Officer, County of San Diego Health and Human Services Agency

10:05   II. TBCB Items

  • Registry Updates on New RVCT Implementation (Varsha Hampole, MPH, TB Registry Chief, CDPH)-10 minutes
  • IGRA Reporting Update, Data, and Data Quality, Nonpositive Reporting; (Adam Readhead, PhD, MPH, Senior Epidemiologist, CDPH; Shameela Ali, MPH, Epidemiologist, CDPH )- 10 minutes
  • Trend in TB Deaths and Deaths Before Treatment (Melissa Ehman, MPH, Assistant Surveillance and Epidemiology Section Chief, CDPH)-15 minutes
  • Mapping TB Data for Equity (Sara McElroy, PhD, MS, Epidemiologist, CDPH)-15 minutes
  • Civil Surgeon Update (Melissa Ehman, MPH, Assistant Surveillance and Epidemiology Section Chief, CDPH; Chris Keh, MD, Program Development Section Chief, CDPH; LeiAnn Keuth, MPH, Public Health Advisor, CDPH)-30 min
  • CDPH Mini Stockpile Development (Scott Nabity, MD, MPH, Medical Officer, CDPH;  Vanessa Fong, MPH, TB Program Manager, CDPH)-10 min

12:00  Lunch Break

12:30  III. Priorities Discussions (Written Reports provided for ongoing work)
A. Drug Shortages and Prices
B. TB Prevention Dollars Discussion
C. Billing Private Medical Providers and Networks for public health TB efforts, Part 1, Eva Reeder

1:30      IV. CTCA Business Items

Vote: 2022 Spring TB Controllers Meeting Draft Minutes

  1. Guidelines Updates, Progress Discussion
    Updated Best Practices
    LTBI Guidelines Discussion
    Contact Investigation
    Case Management
  2. TB Flipbook Progress/Feedback Solicitation
  3. Next Jan/Feb  2023  All TB Controllers Call Agenda Suggestions Discussion
  4. Timing and Location of Spring TB Controllers Meeting
  5. CTCA 2023 Conference: Sept-Nov, NorCal
  6. Items from the Floor

2:00     Break

2:30 – 4:00     Case Radiograph Presentations and Discussion –


Saif H. Siddiqi, M.D. Diagnostic Radiologist, Orange County Health Care, Quality Nighthawk, Body Scan International, Advanced Teleradiology, Expert Reviewer, Medical Board of California Radiology

Sundari Mase, MD, MPH, CTCA President-Elect, Health Officer and TB Controller, County of Sonoma Department of Health Services, Public Health Division

1.5 CEs available, preregistration required

This activity has been planned and implemented in accordance with the accreditation requirements and policies of the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) through the joint providership of the Curry International Tuberculosis Center and the California Tuberculosis Controllers Association. Curry International Tuberculosis Center is accredited by the ACCME to provide continuing medical education for physicians. This training is approved for 1.5 continuing education hours.

The Curry International Tuberculosis Center designates this educational activity for a maximum of 1.5 AMA PRA Category 1 CreditsTM. Physicians should only claim credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.

The Curry International Tuberculosis Center is approved as a provider of continuing education by the California State Board of Registered Nurses, Provider Number CEP 12308. This educational activity is approved for 1.5 continuing education hours. Board requirements prevent us from offering CE credit to people who arrive more than 15 minutes after the start of the training, or leave the training early. Therefore, partial credit will not be awarded.

2022 Spring TB Controllers Meeting

May 23, 2022

2022 Spring TB Controllers Meeting – Monday May 23, 10-4 PST

Omni Rancho Las Palmas, Palm Springs, CA

Agenda (Final)

10:00     I. Welcome and Review of Agenda, Sundari Mase, MD, MPH, CTCA President-Elect, Health Officer and TB Controller, County of Sonoma Department of Health Services, Public HealthDivision

10:10   II. CDPH TBCB Items with Discussion

  1. LTBI Guidebook, Katya Salcedo – 20 min
  2. New Shorter Regimen and shortages discussion, Bpal and 4 months for drug susceptible, and new regimen recommended for pediatric cases, Scott Nabity, Kristen Wendorf, and Shereen Katrak/Chris Keh – 65 min
  3. RVCT Implementation, Adam Readhead – 15 min
  4. Transmission Alerts, CDC Pediatric Case Alerts to States, CDPH message out to LHJs, Tambi Shaw – 10 min
  5. Ukrainian Newcomers, Vanessa Fong – 10 min

12:10. III. Business Items

Vote: 2021 Fall TB Controllers Meeting Draft Minutes
Executive Committee – Vote
Outgoing EC Members
Honorary Members

12:30 Hosted Lunch

1:00    IV. CTCA Executive Committee Priorities

1.  Coalition for a TB-free California, Ryan Clary Funding for TB Elimination
2. California Tuberculosis Elimination Plan, 2021-2025, A FIVE-YEAR ACTION PLAN, August 2021, California TB Elimination Advisory Committee (CTEAC)

1:45       Late Breakers/Items from the Floor

2:15.       Break

2:30 V. Case Radiograph Session with Saif Siddiqi MD, Orange County Radiologist

4:00          Adjourn

May 24-27, 2022

The National TB Controllers Association (NTCA) and CTCA are co-hosting the 2022 National TB Conference (NTC), TB Elimination: Back in Focusin Palm Springs at the Omni Hotel in Rancho Mirage 

Spring 2021 TB Controllers Meeting
Fall 2021

2021 Fall TB Controllers Meeting – Friday November 19, Noon-2 PST

Agenda (11/18/21 revision)

12:00     I. Welcome and Review of Agenda, Sundari Mase, MD, MPH, CTCA President-Elect, Health Officer and TB Controller, County of Sonoma Department of Health Services, Public Health Division

12:10    II. Business Items:

  1. Current EC Roster
  2. Vote: 2020 Fall TB Controllers Meeting Draft Minutes
  3. Next Meeting: January 2021 All TB Controllers Call
  4. Guidelines Prioritization Discussion

12:30     III. TBCB Items

  1. New Revised RVCT Implementation, Pennan Barry, MD, MPH – 15 min
  2. Equity and TB – Equity Initiative, Lisa Pascopella, PhD, MPH and Araxi Polony, BA – 15 min
  3. Revised Resources and Website for Civil Surgeons/Linkage to Care, Chris Keh, MD, Sekayi Smarr, BS, and LeiAnn Keuth, MPH – 15 min

1:15    CureTB Database System, Carlo Vera, MD, CureTB Coordinator, CDC/DGMQ/US-Mexico Unit

1:30     Open Discussion

2:00     Adjourn

2020 TB Free California, Here we Come! Zoom

November 12, Zoom, Agenda

1:00 PST          California, TB Elimination Landscape
Jennifer Flood, MD, MPH, California Department of Public Health, Tuberculosis Control Branch

2:00 PST          Moving TB prevention cascade forward in a large primary care setting
Jacek Skarbinski, MD, Infectious Diseases and HIV Specialist, and Undergraduate and Graduate Medical Education Program Director, Kaiser Permanente, Northern California

November 17, Fall 2020 TB Controller Mtg Agenda, Zoom

2019 Roadtrip to TB Elimination: Packing the Essentials, Rohnert Park
Fall 2018 TB Controllers Meeting

Fall 2018 TB Controllers Meeting Agenda
Friday, September 7, 2018. 9:30 AM – 3:30 PM
California Endowment – Laurel Room, 2000 Franklin Street, Oakland, CA 94612

Executive Meeting Agenda PDF

2018 - Joint NTCA CTCA National TB Conference, Palm Springs
2017, Health Equity and TB Elimination, Walnut Creek

Fall 2017 TB Controllers Agenda

March 7, 2017, Health Equity and TB Elimination, Walnut Creek, CA


9:00     Welcome Address                                                                [California Ballroom]
Julie Vaishampayan, MD, MPH, CTCA President, TB Controller and Assistant Health Officer, San Joaquin County Public Health Services

Louise McNitt, MD, MPH, CTCA President Elect, TB Controller, Contra Costa Health Services

9:10     Jayne Ash Memorial Keynote Address:  TB and Health Equity
Karen Smith, MD, MPH, Director and State Public Health Officer, California Department of Public Health (CDPH)

            Learning Objective: At the conclusion of the session, participants will be able to:

  • Describe the impact that inequity in health and healthcare system has on persons with tuberculosis and strategize ways in which to effectively address them so that patients can be successful in their treatment.

10:00  California TB Control and Preventions

Pennan Barry, MD, MPH, Chief, Surveillance and Epidemiology Section, TB Control Branch (TBCB), CDPH

            Learning Objective:  At the conclusion of the session, participants will be able to:

  • Describe the burden of TB in California and identify populations at risk for TB disease and TB infection in order to guide effective, culturally appropriate TB control efforts.

10:45   AM Break

11:15   Eliminating Stigmatizing Language in the Care of TB Patients
Lisa Armitige, MD, PhD
, Medical Consultant, Heartland National TB Center

            Learning Objectives: At the conclusion of the session, participants will be able to: 

  • Identify treatment barriers created by use of stigmatizing language in their work setting and strategize ways in which to effectively address them so that patients can be successful in their treatment
  • Identify sources of stigma in their work setting, evaluate how they may cause delays in diagnosis and hinder treatment completion, and strategize ways in which to effectively address them so that patients can be successful in their treatment

12:00   Awards Luncheon                                                                  [Contra Costa Ballroom]

1:30     Breakout Sessions A-D

3:00     PM Break

3:30     Breakout Sessions A-D

5:00     Nurses and Allies Health Professionals Forum Meeting                                            [Sacramento]

5:30 – 7:00 Case Radiograph Session: TB in Children and Adolescents             [California Ballroom] 

  1. Latent TB Infection (LTBI) in Children                   [Sacramento]
    a) TB Among Unaccompanied Children in ORR Custody, John Jereb, MD, Medical Epidemiologist, Division of TB Elimination; Medical Team, Office of Refugee Resettlement, Washington, D.C.
    b) Diagnostic Accuracy of Interferon-g Release Assays (IGRAs) in Young Children, Kristen Wendorf, MD, MS, Medical Officer, CDPH TBCB
    c) Treatment of LTBI in Children with Short-Course Regimens, Lisa Armitige, MD, PhD, Medical Consultant, Heartland Tuberculosis Center
            Learning Objective: At the conclusion of the session, participants will be able to:
    • Describe the routine TB tests used for unaccompanied children in ORR custody and respond to the related public health referrals from ORR with knowledge of the screening that led to the referral in order to improve care for this population.
    • Increase their use of IGRAs to test young children for TB, and utilize the results in clinical decision-making to achieve optimum results.
    • Increase their use of short course regimens to treat children for LTBI and achieve optimum pediatric patient adherence.
  1. Strategies to Facilitate LTBI Completion           [Santa Rosa]

Marti Brentnall, MPH, TB Prevention Coordinator, TB Control and Refugee Health Program, San Diego County Health and Human Services Agency

Deborah Gold, MD, Senior Physician, Division of Infectious Disease, Kaiser Foundation

Ge Vue, BSN, RN, PHN, Supervising Public Health Nurse, Fresno County Department of Public Health

Learning Objectives: At the conclusion of the session, participants will be able to: 

  • Identify at least two barriers—and strategies to overcome them–that prevent LTBI shelter and DTC patients from initiating LTBI treatment.
  • Describe two methods that improve motivation among drug treatment centers to be more involved in their clients’ LTBI treatment initiation.
  • Describe how video visits can be used for direct observation to optimize treatment of LTBI using 3HP.
  • Describe three strategies that can be used to improve completion of therapy rates in individuals infected with LTBI.
  • Describe how video visits can be used to expand implementation of a short course LTBI regimen resulting in more patients completing treatment.
  1. Using TB Genome Results to Control TB                                                     [Salon A-C]

Benjamin Silk, PhD, MPH, Activity Lead, Molecular Epidemiology, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

Leslie Henry, BSN, PHN, Outbreak Response Nurse Consultant, CDPH TBCB

Martin Cilnis, MS, MPH, Epidemiologist, CDPH TBCB

Shameer Poonja, MPH, CDC Public Health Advisor, CDC, Field Services and Evaluation Branch Los Angeles County Department of Public Health

Learning Objectives: At the conclusion of the session, participants will be able to: 

  • Summarize the strengths and weaknesses of whole genome sequencing (WGS) as compared to routine genotyping results.
  • Describe how WGS was used in local cluster investigations to focus public health actions, identify or refute linkages between cases, and improve TB outbreak detection and surveillance.
  • Describe the steps to request WGS and obtain assistance in reviewing results
  1. LTBI in Special Populations                                         [Salon D-F]
  2. a) Nurse Managed 12 Week Treatment for LTBI at Healthcare for the Homeless in Contra Costa County

Jo Elliff, FNP and Rose Vigil, RN, Contra Costa County Health Services

  1. Civil Surgeon Outreach Project in Los Angeles County

Sanghyuk Shin, PhD, Assistant Professor In-Residence, Department of Epidemiology, University of California Los Angeles Fielding School of Public Health

  1. Innovative LTBI treatment strategies among B Notifications

Alex Duplantier, MPH, PA-C, Solano County Medical Services Division, Family Health Services Clinic; Adjunct Faculty, Touro University California, College of Education and Health Science, Joint Masters of Science Physician Assistant Studies/Masters in Public Health Program

               Learning Objectives: At the conclusion of the session, participants will be able to: 

  • Identify strategies for effective completion of LTBI treatment using a nurse-based clinic providing 12-dose DOT.
  • Identify opportunities for and challenges to partnering with civil surgeons to extend LTBI treatment to green card applicants.
  • Describe LTBI treatment preferences among green card applicants in Los Angeles County leading to optimum patient care.
  • Describe strategies for managing LTBI using shorter course therapies in new arrivals with Class B -notifications and apply this information within their jurisdictions to ensure patient follow up and referrals thereby improving Latent TB infection treatment initiation and completion rates.

5:00     Nurses and Allies Health Professionals Forum (NAHPF) Meeting                 [Sacramento]                                                                    

5:30 – 7:00    

Case Radiograph Session: TB in Children and Adolescents                    [California Ballroom]

Brian Lee, MD, Division Director, Infectious Diseases, Medical Director, TB Program, UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospital Oakland

Kenneth Martin, MD, Assistant Director, Department of Diagnostic Imaging and Associate Director of Neuroimaging and Interventional Radiology, UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospital Oakland

Learning Objectives: At the conclusion of the session, participants will be able to: 

  • Apply appropriate diagnostic and management reasoning based on the appearance of radiographic findings in cases suspicious for tuberculosis, to improve overall case management for children and adolescents
  • Recognize radiographic manifestations of tuberculosis to improve clinical skills in tuberculosis diagnosis of children and adolescents
2016 50th EDUCATIONAL CONFERENCE LTBI: Expand. Simplify. And Demystify. Let’s Treat Before Illness.

CTCA 2016 50th EDUCATIONAL CONFERENCE LTBI: Expand. Simplify. And Demystify. Let’s Treat Before Illness.

April 19 – Agenda

9:00 Welcome: Jeffrey D. Gunzenhauser, MD, MPH Interim Health Officer and Director, Bureau of Disease Control, Science, and Medicine, Los Angeles County Department of Public Health (LACDPH) – YOSEMITE

9:10 Jayne Ash Memorial Keynote Address: Scaling up LTBI Treatment with Short Course Regimens, Carol Dukes Hamilton, MD, MHS, FACP, FIDSA, Senior Scientist and Professor of Medicine, FHI360 and Duke – YOSEMITE

10:00 California’s Road to TB Elimination, Pennan Barry, MD, MPH, Chief, Surveillance and Epidemiology Section, TB Control Branch (TBCB), California Department of Public Health (CDPH) – YOSEMITE

10:45 Break

11:15 Topics from the Field: Which side are you on? Discussion 1: 3HP DOT or SAT and Discussion 2: AFB Smear or GeneXpert Suspect TB or Placing in Isolation, Julie Higashi, MD, PhD, LACDPH and Barbara Cole, RN, PHN, MS, Riverside County Department of Public Health TB Control YOSEMITE

12:00 Lunch and Awards Presentations: Exiting Executive Committee Member Awards, Andy Lopez Award, Brenda Ashkar Award, Private Partner Award, Henry A. Renteln Award

1:30 – 3:00 Breakout Session 1

  1. Public-Private Partnerships for the Treatment of LTBI – YOSEMITE
    Carol Dukes Hamilton, MD, MHS; Duke University: Treating LTBI, A Global Perspective Bhavani S. Rao, MD; Kaiser Panorama City: Implementing 3HP at an ambulatory care network Maria Juarez-Reyes, MD; Santa Clara County Jail – Implementation of 3 HP in a county jail

  2. Preventing TB: Finding high risk populations and providers, Lisa Pascopella, PhD, MPH, TBCB CDPH; Julie Higashi, MD, PhD, LACDPH; Wen Lin, MD, PhD, MSc, Santa Clara Public Health Department – CABRILLO

  3. 1. Case Presentations: Focus on M.bovis, LACDPH: Alicia Chang, MD, MS with Jan Singh, MD and Steven Hwang, MD – CATALINA

  4. Nurse-Epidemiology Outbreak Investigation Management Tools (60 min), Rocio Agraz-Lara, SFPH; Jamie White, MPH, Sacramento County Health and Human Services, Martin Cilnis, MS, MPH, TBCB CDPH; followed by NAHPF Business Meeting (30 min) – MOJAVE

3:00-3:30 PM Break
3:30 Breakout Session 2: Breakouts A and B repeat

C. 2. Case Presentations: Focus on Co-morbidities (C. 1. faculty repeats) 5:00 PM Adjourn

5:00 5:30 7:00

  1. Using TB Genome Results to Control TB

    1. Benjamin Silk, PhD, MPH, Activity Lead, Molecular Epidemiology, CDC;

    2. Leslie Henry, BSN, PHN, Outbreak Response Nurse Consultant, CDPH TBCB;

    3. Martin Cilnis, MS, MPH, Epidemiologist, CDPH TBCB

    4. Shameer Poonja, MPH, CDC Public Health Advisor, Los Angeles County

      Department of Public Health

  2. LTBI In Special Populations: homeless and foreign born

    1. 3HP completion rates among homeless with LTBI, Jo Elliff, FNP and Rose Vigil,

      EN, Contra Costa County

    2. Civil Surgeon Outreach Project in Los Angeles County, Sanghyuk Shin, PhD,

      Assistant Professor In-Residence, Department of Epidemiology, UCLA Fielding

      School of Public Health

    3. Innovative LTBI treatment strategies among (B Notifications), Alex Duplantier,

      MPH, PA-C, Physician Assistant, Family Health Services, Solano County

Nurses and Allied Health Professionals Forum (NAHPF) Meeting 20 minutes

Case Radiograph Session: TB in Children and Adolescents

  •   Brian Lee, MD, Division Director, Infectious Diseases, Medical Director,

    Tuberculosis Program, UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospital Oakland;

  •   Lisa Armitige, MD, PhD, Medical Consultant, Heartland National TB Center, San

    Antonio, TX

2015 TB Elimination: The Way Forward, Sacramento, April 21

Presented by CTCA and Sacramento County Department of Health and Human Services Tuberculosis Control Program April 21, 2015


Sacramento, CA

9:00 9:10


10:50 11:10


Welcome by Olivia Kasirye, MD, MS, Health Officer Sacramento County Health Human Services

Capitol Salons B-D

12:00 -1:30

1:30 – 3:00

Jayne Ash Memorial Address: Strategies for Elimination of Tuberculosis in the US Phil LoBue, MD, Director, Division of TB Elimination, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Objective: At the conclusion of the session, participants will be able to:

  1. Describe the 6 overarching goals of the US TB elimination strategy to benefit

    patients across the country

  2. Recognize the challenges for reaching these goals and implement aspects of the

    elimination strategy to help overcome them

TB-Free California: How close are we? How can we get closer?

Pennan Barry, MD, MPH, Chief, Surveillance and Epidemiology Section, TB Control Branch (TBCB), California Department of Public Health (CDPH)

Objective: Attheconclusionofthesession,participantswillbeableto: Describe the burden of TB in California and identify patient populations most affected by TB disease and TB infection in order to guide their local TB control programs’ efforts and enhance their patient outcomes


Treatment of LTBI with Rifapentine and Isoniazid for 3 months by Self-

Administered Therapy: a New Tool for TB Elimination: Bob Belknap, MD, Assistant Professor, University of Colorado Denver, Division of Infectious Diseases and Denver Health Infectious Diseases Specialist
Objective: At the conclusion of the session, participants will be able to:

  1. Recommend and provide treatment of TB infection in appropriate patients at risk for TB with rifapentine and isoniazid given for 3 months (3HP) by self -administered therapy to help increase adherence to therapy

  2. Monitor patients on 3HP for adverse drug reactions to help prevent morbidity and mortality in patients on therapy for TB infection

Awards Luncheon Grand Ballroom

Outgoing Executive Committee Member Honorary CTCA Member
Andy Lopez Memorial Award and Scholarship
Brenda Ashkar “We do whatever it takes” Award Henry A. Renteln Award

Breakout Session I: Breakouts A-D Below

Curry International Tuberculosis Center, UCSF, 300 Frank Ogawa Plaza, Suite 520
Phone (510) 238-5100 Email
CurryTBcenter@ucsf.edu, Warmline TB Medical Consultation: 877-390-6682 (toll-free)

Oakland, CA







A. Implementing 3 HP (repeats) Capitol Salon D

Rachel K. Lee, PHN, Nurse Manager, LA County Department of PH
Thomas Bertsch, MD, Sacramento Health and Human Services, PH
Julie Vaishampayan, MD, MPH, TB Controller, San Joaquin County PH Services Objective: At the end of this session, participants will be able to:

  1. Utilize outcome data to determine benefits of 3HP.

  2. Develop program tools for staff use in administering 3HP.

B. Update on TB in HIV Infected Patients (repeats)

Capitol Salon C

Bob Belknap, MD (see above)
Chris Keh, MD, Infectious Disease Specialist, UCSF Medical Center Lisa Pascopella, PhD, MPH, Senior Epidemiologist, TBCB, CDPH Objective: At the end of this session, participants will be able to:

  1. Utilize epidemiologic data to identify and test for TB and HIV patients at high risk for TB

    due to HIV infection to reduce progression to TB disease

  2. Reduce morbidity, mortality and TB transmission by making a rapid and accurate

    diagnosis TB in HIV infected patients to benefit this patient population

  3. Provide appropriate treatment for TB-HIV co-infected patients, recognize and manage

    complications of therapy, and use these steps to realize positive patient outcomes

C. Community Partnerships (repeats) Capitol Salon B

Part 1: Santa Clara County TB Prevention Partnership (TPP)

Karen Smith, MD, MPH, Director, CDPH
Janie Burkhart, MPH, Santa Clara County (SCC) PH Department
Margo Sidener, MS, CHES, President and CEO, Breathe California of SCC (retired) Objective: At the end of this session, participants will be able to:

Describe how to build an effective TB community coalition and how they can help to

prevent and control TB

Part 2. Using Paramedics to Support DOT, Community Paramedicine

Mike Taigman, American Medical Response, Ventura County Eva Reeder, RN, BSN, PHN, Ventura County Public Health
Objective: At the end of this session, participants will be able to:

  1. Understand the value of creating community partners to prevent and control TB

  2. Understand the use of community paramedics to implement DOT and use these

    resources to decrease the spread of TB and ensure positive patient outcomes.

D. NAHPF Business Meeting and Educational Presentation Sacramento Room

Morale Improvement, strategies for staff retention (Does Not Repeat), Pilar De La Cruz-Reyes, MSN, RN, Director, Central California Center for Excellence in Nursing, California State University, Fresno
Objective: At the end of this session, participants will be able to:

3:00 – 3:30 3:30 -5:00 5:00

Describe at least 2 differences between stress and burnout and identify at least 2 strategies to prevent burnout in clinicians who provide care for TB patients

Breakout Session 2 Repeat Breakouts A – C above

2014 Navigating Our Path to TB Elimination: Challenges and Solutions, Los Angeles, April 24

Fall TB Controllers Meeting Agenda

Spring TB Controllers Meeting Agenda

2014 Conference Agenda

2013 Blazing New Trails in TB Control: Combating Drug Resistance and Applying Molecular Diagnostics, San Jose, CA

Fall TB Controllers Meeting Agenda

Spring TB Controllers Meeting Agenda

Conference Agenda

Other TB Meetings with excellent educational content

UN High Level Meeting on TB

September 26th, 2018

#UNHLMTB Meeting Video

Centennial Program 1913-2013 

Centennial Program Conference (December 5th 2013)

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