Brenda Ashkar "We Do What It Takes" Award
2023 Recipient: Rosalba Gutierrez, RN, PHN, Los Angeles
2022 Long Beach Recipients:
Emma Kursar, RN, PHN and
Jennifer Umayam, BSN, RN, PHN
2019 Nidia Garcia, RN, PHN
2018 Rocio Agraz-Lara, MSN, RN, PHN
2017 Karen White, SPHN
2016 Wendy Malone, BSN, RN, PHN
2016 Jeanne Soukup, RN
2015 Terry Somers, Sr. PHN, MPH
2014 Paige Batson, PHN, RN
2013 Lisa True, RN, MSN
2012 Karen Redwine, RN
2011 Pam Costamangna, RN
2010 Brenda Ashkar, RN

The Brenda Ashkar Award is presented each year to a Registered Nurse working in Tuberculosis Control in California, who exemplifies the values of leadership, flexibility, creativity and “doing what it takes” to improve the health of those in their community.
All Registered Nurses with 10 years of experience in TB control in California are eligible. This award gives local health jurisdictions and the CTCA an opportunity to recognize the excellence of Registered Nurses for their hard work and dedication.
This award is given to honor the exemplary 37-year Registered Nursing Career of Brenda Ashkar and her outstanding contributions to TB care and prevention.
Nominations can be submitted year round.