
What is TB (videos), TB Free California (translations by SD), Jan. 2024

English –

Spanish –

Russian –

The original videos are posted here:

TB and LTBI "Flipbook" Patient Brochure and Provider Guide

This new Brochure and Provider Guide (April 2023) were developed to find and standardize messaging to increase LTBI  treatment to prevent TB disease development:

LTBI brochure CTCA, 2023

HRD English Brochure (for printing);  HRD English Brochure Provider Guide and Survey ; Feedback: SurveyMonkeylink

HRD_Simple Chinese
HRD ARabic

HRD Ukrainian 

HRD (Russian)
HRD Armenian
HRD Traditional Chinese
HRD Tagalog_Filipino

TB Medicine Side Effects Flashcards, reviewed 2021,  developed and illustrrated by Orange County intern Alexander Cotter:

TB Flashcards_English, Spanish, Vietnamese
TB Flashcards_English, Korean, Tagalog
TB Flashcards_English, Chinese (Simplified), Chinese (Traditional)
TB Flashcards_English, Arabic, Farsi

Latent TB Infection (LTBI) Resources

 New from California Department of Public Health (CDPH) Tuberculosis Control Branch (TBCB)
Preventing TB in Your Clinical Setting- A Practical Guidebook

Staff from the TB Free California initiative, a project of the California Department of Public Health, produced this Guidebook to share information with primary care clinics and other partners who endeavor to improve TB prevention among their patients. The authors’ intentions are to assist clinics to scale-up and improve their latent TB infection (LTBI) programmatic and care activities as well as to engage with their community-based partners for support. These efforts will result in successful TB prevention outcomes, ultimately contributing to the elimination of TB in California.

Adobe Acrobat is the recommended application for viewing the Guidebook and its web features. Acrobat Reader can be downloaded for free at:

Find out more about the TB Free California initiative and access their many resources for patients and providers at:

CDPH TBCB TB FREE CA provided Provider Talks:
1. CTCA and TCTB Presentation to CPCA – 4-5-22- FINAL
Prevent TB in 4 Steps_ A Guide for Medical Providers,
2. 2021 LTBI civil surgeon PPT

CDC Think, Test, Treat LTBI Outreach Campaign materials launched (March 2022)

TB v. LTBI graphic, developed by TB Free California, a project of the California Department of Public Health TB Control Branch [ English]
TB Elimination Alliance mini-grant funds supported the translation of this graphic into these languages (2021):
Arabic –  Chinese, Simplified  – Chinese,Traditional  –  Hindi –SpanishTagalog  –Tigrinya –  Vietnamese

TB/LTBI information handout, developed and translated by UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospital Oakland Primary Care Clinic (2021): [English]
 Arabic – Chinese, Simplified  – Chinese, Traditional   Hindi —  Spanish – Tagalog –Tigrinya –  Vietnamese

Orange County intern Alexander Cotter developed and illustrated the following LTBI Medication Side Effects Flashcards (reviewed 2021):

LTBI Flashcards_English, Spanish, Vietnamese
LTBI Flashcards_English, Korean, Tagalog
LTBI Flashcards_English, Chinese (Simplified), Chinese (Traditional)
LTBI Flashcards_English, Arabic, Farsi

2021, TB Free California produced Posters

I know my TB status_posters_ADA_cleared
TB Can Be Prevented_ADA_cleared

2022, TB Free California produced, 1 in 7 Asian Americans in CA have TB infection brochures in English and Vietnamese

  1. 1 in 7 AA_Vietnamese_final
  2. CATB_AAtrifold_v2[72]

    Southeastern TB Center of Excellence has LTBI factsheets for patients  in many languages.  See:

    Digital Marketing Plan
    Contact Investigation (Contact Tracing)

    Los Angeles County Department of Public Health resource:  FINAL Chapter 6 CI Toolkit 2020, updated May 2020

    Epidemiology, surveillance and response
    Request tools not yet posted, or share your tools, by emailing us through the link below.
    Minnesota Department of Health website resources for Russian speaking patients

    (tuberculosis (TB)

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